Resources & Education

Lipsey, M. W. (1995). What do we learn from 400 research studies on the effectiveness of treatment with juvenile delinquents? In J. McGuire (Ed.). What works? Reducing reoffending, (pp. 63-78). New York, NY: John Wiley.

Domains of Assessment Bibliography

Hawkins, J. D., Herrenkohl, T. I., Farrington, D. P., Brewer, D., Catalano R. F.; Harachi, T. W., & Cothern, L. (1998). A review of predictors of youth violence. In R. Loeber & D. P. Farrington (Eds.), Serious & violent juvenile offender: Risk factors and successful interventions (pp. 106-146). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.

Domains of Assessment Bibliography

Clift, R. J. W., Rajlic, G., & Gretton, H. M., (2009). Discriminative and predictive validity of the penile plethysmograph in adolescent sex offenders. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 21(3), 335-362. doi:10.1177/1079063209338491

Domains of Assessment Bibliography

Chaffin, M. (2011). The case of juvenile polygraphy as a clinical ethics dilemma. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 23, 314-328. doi:10.1177/1079063210382046

Domains of Assessment Bibliography

Caldwell, M. F. (2009). Study characteristics and recidivism base rates in juvenile sex offender recidivism. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 54, 197-212. doi:10.1177/0306624X08330016

Domains of Assessment Bibliography

Bourke, M. L., & Donohue, B. (1996). Assessment and treatment of juvenile sex offenders: An empirical review. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 5(1), 47-70.

Domains of Assessment Bibliography

Andrews, D. A., & Bonta, J. (2010). The psychology of criminal conduct (5th ed.). New Providence, NJ: LexisNexis.

Domains of Assessment Bibliography

American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, National Council on Measurement in Education, (1999). The standards for educational and psychological testing. Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association.

Domains of Assessment Bibliography

Abel, G. G., Jordan, A., Rouleau, J. L., Emerick, R., Barboza-Whitehead, S., & Osborn, C. (2004). Use of visual reaction time to assess male adolescents who molest children. Sexual Abuse: Journal of Research and Treatment, 16, 255-265.

Domains of Assessment Bibliography

Silovsky, J.F., & Swisher, L. M. (2008). Sexual development and sexual behavior problems. pp. 805-824. In M. L. Wolraich, P. Dworkin, D. Drotar, & Perrin, E. (Eds.) Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics: Evidence and Practice. Philadelphia: Elsevier

Developmental Perspective Bibliography