Resources & Education

Ray, J. A., & English, D. J. (1995). Comparison of female and male children with sexual behavior problems. Journal of Youth and Adolescents, 24(4), 439-451.

Girls with Problematic Sexual Behaviors Bibliography

Mathews, R., Hunter, Jr., J. A., & Vuz, J. (1997). Juvenile female sexual offenders: Clinical characteristics and treatment issues. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 9(3), 187-200.

Girls with Problematic Sexual Behaviors Bibliography

Lane, S. (1997). Special populations: Children, females, the developmentally disabled, and violent youth. In G. Ryan & S. Lane (Eds.), Juvenile sexual offending: Causes, consequences, and correction (Rev. ed., pp. 322-359). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Girls with Problematic Sexual Behaviors Bibliography

Kubik, E. K., Hecker, J. E., (2005). Cognitive distortions about sex and sexual offending: a comparison of sex offending girls, delinquent girls, and girls from the community. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 14(4), 43-69.

Girls with Problematic Sexual Behaviors Bibliography

Johnson, T. C. (1989). Female child perpetrators: Children who molest other children. Child Abuse & Neglect, 13, 571-585.

Girls with Problematic Sexual Behaviors Bibliography

Hunter, J. A., Lexier, L. J., Goodwin, D. W., & Browne, P. A. (1993). Psychosocial, attitudinal, and developmental characteristics of adolescent female sexual perpetrators in a residential setting. Journal of Child & Family Studies, 2, 317-326.

Girls with Problematic Sexual Behaviors Bibliography

Fehrenbach, P. A., & Monastersky, C. (1988). Characteristics of female adolescent sexual offenders. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 58, 148-151.

Girls with Problematic Sexual Behaviors Bibliography

Gannon, T.A., & Cortoni, F. (Eds.). (2010). Female Sexual Offenders: Theory, Assessment and Treatment. Chichester: Chichester, Angleterre: Wiley-Blackwell.

Girls with Problematic Sexual Behaviors Bibliography

Cosentino, C.E., Meyer-Bahlburg, H.F.L., Alpert, J.L., Weinberg, S.L., et al. (1995). Sexual behavior problems and psychopathology symptoms in sexually abused girls. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 34, 1033-1042.

Girls with Problematic Sexual Behaviors Bibliography

Bumby, K. M., Halstenson, N., & Bumby, N. H. (1997). Adolescent female sexual offenders. In B. K. Schwartz & H. R. Cellini (Eds.), The Sex Offender: New Insights, Treatment, Innovations, & Legal Developments (Vol. 2, pp. 10.1-10.16). Kingston, NJ: Civic Research Institute.

Girls with Problematic Sexual Behaviors Bibliography