Resources & Education

Resources Citation

Baker, A.J.L., Schneiderman, M., & Parker, R. (2002). A survey of problematic sexualized behaviors in the New York City child welfare system: Estimates of problem, impact on services, and need for training. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 10(4), 67-80.

Problematic Sexual Behavior of Youth Journal Article Professionals

Resources Citation

Araji, S. K. (1997). Sexually aggressive children: Coming to understand them. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

Youth with Problematic Sexual Behavior Books Professionals

Steele, W. (1999). You are not alone. Gross Pointe Woods, MI: The National Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children.

Look Inside The Book

Trauma Including Sexual Abuse Books Parents of Children, Professionals

Steele, W. (2003). A trauma is like no other experience. Gross Pointe Woods, MI: The National Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children.

Look Inside The Book

Trauma Including Sexual Abuse Books Parents of Adolescents, Professionals

Steele, W. (1999). What parents need to know: For parents and caregivers. Gross Pointe Woods, MI: The National Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children.

Look Inside The Book

Trauma Including Sexual Abuse Books Parents of Adolescents, Parents of Children

Starishevsky, J. (2014). My body belongs to me: A book about body safety. Minneapolis: Free Spirit Publishing.

Look Inside The Book

Healthy Sexuality and Sex Education Resources, Prevention Books Parents of Children

Stauffer, L., and E. Deblinger. (1999). Let's talk about taking care of you! An educational book about body safety. Hatfield, PA: Hope for Families, Inc.

Healthy Sexuality and Sex Education Resources, Parenting and Sex Education, Prevention Books Parents of Children, Youth

Stauffer, L. (1999). Let's talk about safety skills for kids. A personal safety activity book for parents and children. Hatfield, PA: Hope for Families, Inc.

Healthy Sexuality and Sex Education Resources, Parenting and Sex Education, Prevention Books Parents of Children, Youth

King, K. (2008). I said no! A kid-to-kid guide to keeping private parts private. Weaverville, CA: Boulden Publishing.

Watch the author read the book.

Healthy Sexuality and Sex Education Resources, Prevention Books Parents of Children, Youth

Herrerias, C. (1996). Teen to teen: personal safety and sexual abuse prevention. Charlotte, NC: Kidsrights Inc.

Prevention, Prevention of Sexual Abuse and Problematic Sexual Behavior Books Parents of Adolescents, Youth