Resources & Education

Stauffer, L. (1999). Let's talk about safety skills for kids. A personal safety activity book for parents and children. Hatfield, PA: Hope for Families, Inc.

Healthy Sexuality and Sex Education Resources, Parenting and Sex Education, Prevention Books Parents of Children, Youth

King, K. (2008). I said no! A kid-to-kid guide to keeping private parts private. Weaverville, CA: Boulden Publishing.

Watch the author read the book.

Healthy Sexuality and Sex Education Resources, Prevention Books Parents of Children, Youth

Herrerias, C. (1996). Teen to teen: personal safety and sexual abuse prevention. Charlotte, NC: Kidsrights Inc.

Prevention, Prevention of Sexual Abuse and Problematic Sexual Behavior Books Parents of Adolescents, Youth

Farber Strauss, S. (2013). Healing days: A guide for kids who have experienced trauma. Washington, DC: Magination Press.

Healing Days- Note to Parents and Caregivers

Trauma Including Sexual Abuse Books Parents of Children, Youth

Dolgan, E. (2006). Please knock! Denver: Paros Press.

Prevention, Prevention of Sexual Abuse and Problematic Sexual Behavior Books Parents of Children, Youth

Brohl, K., and Potter, J. C. (2004). When your child has been molested: A parent's guide to healing and recovery. Revised edition. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Read an Excerpt

Sexual Abuse Books Parents of Adolescents, Parents of Children

Barth, A. (2009). Annabelle's secret: A story about sexual abuse. Ann Arbor: Loving Healing Press.

Sexual Abuse, Trauma Including Sexual Abuse Books Parents of Adolescents, Parents of Children

Adams, C. & Fay, J. (1992). Helping your child recover from sexual abuse. Vancouver, WA: University of Washington Press.

Sexual Abuse, Trauma Including Sexual Abuse Books Parents of Adolescents, Parents of Children

Aboff, M. (2003). Uncle Willy's tickles: A child's right to say no. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

SASSMM Education Book Reading

Prevention Books Parents of Children, Youth

Silovsky, J. (2009). Taking Action: Support for Families of Children with Sexual Behavior Problems. Brandon, VT: Safer Society Press.

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Problematic Sexual Behavior of Youth Books Parents of Children