Resources & Education


American Psychological Association

Gender and Sexuality Resources PDF Downloads Parents of Adolescents, Parents of Children


American Psychological Association

Gender and Sexuality Resources PDF Downloads Parents of Adolescents, Parents of Children

Professional Journals Bibliography Professionals

Reynolds, K. E. (2013). Sexuality and severe autism: A practical guide for parents, caregivers and health educators. Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Sex Education and Developmental Disabilities Website URLs Parents of Adolescents, Parents of Children, Professionals

Allegheny Health Network

Center for Traumatic Stress in Children and Adolescents (CTSCA)


Evidence-Based Treatment, Find Providers and Treatment Program, Trauma Including Sexual Abuse Website URLs Parents of Adolescents, Parents of Children

Staff Writers. (2023). Cyberbullying in College. Affordable colleges. 

Internet and Technology Safety Website URLs Youth

Advocates for Youth: Research to Practice

Sex Education and Developmental Disabilities PDF Downloads Parents of Adolescents, Parents of Children, Professionals

American Academy of Pediatrics

Problematic Sexual Behavior of Youth Website URLs Parents of Adolescents, Professionals

Resources Citation

Kellogg N. D. (2010). Sexual behaviors in children: evaluation and management. American Family Physician, 82(10), 1233–1238.

Problematic Sexual Behavior of Youth Journal Article Professionals

American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP)

Evidence-Based Practice, Standards of Care Website URLs Professionals