Resources & Education

Resources Citation

Righthand, S., Knight, R., & Prentky, R. A. (2002, October). A path analytic investigation of proximal antecedents of J-SOAP risk domains. Paper presented at the 21th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, Montreal, Canada.

Resources Citation

Prentky, R. A., & Righthand, S. (2003). Juvenile Sex Offender Assessment Protocol-II Manual. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Assessments, Domains of Assessment Assesssment, PDF Downloads Professionals

Resources Citation

Reynolds, C. & Kamphaus, R. (1992). Behavior Assessment System for Children Manual. Circle Pines, MN: American Guidance Service.

Assessments Website URLs Professionals

Resources Citation

Prentky, R., Harris, B., Frizzell, K., & Righthand, S. (2000). An actuarial procedure for assessing risk in juvenile sexual offenders. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 12, 71-93. doi:10.1177/107906320001200201

Assessments, Recidivism Journal Article Professionals

Resources Citation

Oneal, B. J., Burns, G. L., Kahn, T. J., Rich, P., & Worling, J.R. (2008). Initial psychometric properties of a treatment planning and progress Inventory for adolescents who sexually abuse. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 20(2), 161-187. doi:10.1177/1079063208317465

Assessments Journal Article Professionals

Resources Citation

Neumann, C. S., Kosson, D. S., Forth, A. E., & Hare, R. D. (2006). Factor structure of the Hare Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version in incarcerated adolescents. Psychological Assessment, 18(2), 142-154. doi:10.1037/1040-3590.18.2.142

Assessments Journal Article Professionals

Resources Citation

Martinez, R., Flores, J. & Rosenfeld, B. (2007). Validity of the Juvenile Sex Offender Assessment Protocol II (J-SOAP-II) in a sample of urban minority youth. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 34(10), 1284-1295. doi:10.1177/0093854807301791

Assessments, Domains of Assessment Journal Article Professionals

Resources Citation

Letourneau, E. J. (2002). A comparison of objective measures of sexual arousal and interest: Visual reaction time and penile plethysmography. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 14, 207-223. doi:10.1177/107906320201400302

Assessment Measures Journal Article Professionals

Resources Citation

Hecker, J., Scoular, J., Righthand, S., & Nangle, D. (2002, Oct.). Predictive validity of the J- SOAP over 10-plus years: Implications for risk assessment. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Treatment of Sexual Abusers, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Resources Citation

Friedrich, W.N., Lysne, M., Sim, L., & Shamos, S. (2004). Assessing Sexual Behavior in High-Risk Adolescents with the Adolescent Clinical Sexual Behavior Inventory (ACSBI). Child Maltreatment, 9(3), 239-250. doi:10.1177/1077559504266907

Assessments Journal Article Professionals