Resources & Education

Heighway, S. & Webster, S. (2008). S.T.A.R.S.: Skills for assertiveness, relationship-building, and sexual awareness. Arlington, TX: Future Horizons Inc.

Sex Education and Developmental Disabilities, Special Populations and Developmental Delays Books Parents of Adolescents, Parents of Children, Youth

Hartman, D. & Brangan, K. (2013). Sexuality and relationship education for children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A professional's guide to understanding, preventing issues, supporting sexuality, and responding to inappropriate behaviors. London, England: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Human Sexuality, Sex Education, Prevention of Sexual Abuse and Problematic Sexual Behavior, Sex Education and Developmental Disabilities, Special Populations and Developmental Delays Books Parents of Adolescents, Professionals

Dubin, N., Henault, I., Attwodd, T. (2014). The Autism Spectrum, sexuality, and the law: What every parent and professional needs to know. London, England: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Sex Education and Developmental Disabilities, Special Populations and Developmental Delays Books Parents of Adolescents, Parents of Children, Professionals

Davies, C & Dubie, M. (2012). Intimate relationships and sexual health: A curriculum for teaching adolescents/adults with high-functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders and other social challenges. Shanee Mission, KS: Autism Asperger Publishing Co.

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Healthy Sexuality and Sex Education Resources, Human Sexuality, Sex Education, Sex Education and Developmental Disabilities Books Parents of Adolescents, Professionals

Couwenhoven, T. (2007). Teaching children with Down Syndrome about their bodies, boundaries, and sexuality. Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House, Inc.

Healthy Sexuality and Sex Education Resources, Human Sexuality, Sex Education, Sex Education and Developmental Disabilities Books Parents of Adolescents, Parents of Children

Resources Citation

Veneziano, C., & Veneziano, L. (2002). Adolescent Sex Offenders: A Review of the Literature. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 3, 247-260. doi:10.1177/1524838002237329

Youth with Problematic Sexual Behavior Journal Article Professionals

Resources Citation

Tarren-Sweeney, M. (2008). Predictors of problematic sexual behavior among children with complex maltreatment histories. Child Maltreatment, 13, 182-199.

How Do Youth Develop Problematic Sexual Behaviors? Journal Article Professionals

Resources Citation

Smith, T., Lindsey, R., Bohora, S., & Silovsky, J. F. (2018). Predictors of intrusive seual behaviors in preschool-aged children. The Journal of Sex Research, doi:10.1080/00224499.2018.1447639

How Do Youth Develop Problematic Sexual Behaviors? Journal Article Professionals

Resources Citation

Simon, V. & Feiring C. (2008). Sexual anxiety and eroticism predict the development of sexual problems in youth with a history of sexual abuse. Child Maltreatment, 13, 167-181.

How Do Youth Develop Problematic Sexual Behaviors? Journal Article Professionals

Resources Citation

Satlter, D. M., D., Richards, M., Talbot, T., Hodges, J., Bentovim, A., et al. (2003). Development of sexually abusive behavior in sexually victimized males: A longitudinal study. Lancet, 381, 471-476.

How Do Youth Develop Problematic Sexual Behaviors? Journal Article Professionals