October 2018
Evertsz, J. & Miller, R. (2011). Children with problem sexual behaviours and their families: Best interests case practice model: Specialist practice resource. Victorian Government Department of Human Services, Melbourne, Australia.
Adoptalk. (2017). Parenting Children or Youth Who are Sexually Reactive. Family Rising.
Agencies currently operating MST-PSB programs.
Practice Guidelines for Assessment, Treatment, and Interventions with Adolescents Who Have Engaged in Sexual Abusive Behavior 2017
Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers
American Academy of Pediatrics
Resources Citation
Kellogg N. D. (2010). Sexual behaviors in children: evaluation and management. American Family Physician, 82(10), 1233–1238.
InFocus (November 2020). Sexual behavior problems in children and adolescents. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
Training and resources in safeguarding and child protection
NSPCC Learning